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Inject EMSCULPT NEO Demonstration

Alright. Here is EMSCULPT NEO in action. So EMSCULPT NEO is the first and only body shaping procedure that uses a combination of HIFEM and radio frequency technology to simultaneously reduce fat and increase muscle mass.

The applicators, as you can see here in the video, are applied to the bare skin.

The radio frequency component will raise the muscle temperature quickly to prepare the muscle for exposure to stress, very similar to what a warmup would do for you at the beginning of a workout.

In just a few minutes, the subcutaneous fat will reach temperature levels that will cause apoptosis, permanently damaging those fat cells and slowly removing them from the body.

The HIFEM energy contracts the muscles at a higher intensity that isn’t achievable during voluntary workouts.

Combining these treatments together, patients can see up to 30 percent in fat reduction, as well as up to 25% increase in muscle mass.